CEC CrestImage 001CEC Missions and
Development Offering

The International Communion of the
Charismatic Episcopal Church

Vision: CEC Development seeks to make self sustaining churches and dioceses in the developing world.

100% of all money collected goes directly to Africa, none is spend on travel, administration, or any other fees.
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The money is managed cooperatively
between the CEC-NA and the General Secretaries of the CEC in Africa. Each of the 3 General Secretaries receives 1/3 of the money raised. Of this, 20% is for mercy (relief, famine) the remain-ing 80% is used to create income producing micro-business.

See what was done with last years offering.
Go To: www.cecdevelopment.org

CEC Development operates with fiscal transparency.
All income and expenses are viewable on the website.
Please Help us bring Self-Sufficiency to Africa