Are you interested in building faith through an inspiring Spirit filled worship experience, enriching your family life with new friends, and discovering the freedom to become all that God created you to be? Isn’t it time to getaway from, “Someday I’ll do that,” and check things out?

With this question, Saint Michael’s Church in San Clemente, CA, launches a new website at The redesigned website focuses on outreach, and challenges the community to come, discover, and participate in a Spirit filled encounter with the living God.

“We are going to do everything possible to reach the people of San Clemente with the Good News,” said Bishop Douglas Kessler. The issue is not just church growth; the real issue is a community full of people in need of Christ. We want to reach people not already attending a church; let them know we’re regular Joe’s facing the same concerns of life they face, and motivate them to come and discover God’s solutions with us.

This site is a fresh approach for Saint Michael’s. You won’t find a lot of “christianese” verbiage or a theological presentation. is written in user-friendly language designed to pierce the heart. If people make the choice, God will make the change, and the angels will rejoice.